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Astil TV

Astil TV created by Astil Industries is a tv service that only costs £3.60 a Month. Astil TV Runs in the browser and can be used as an app by using jelly fin and connecting to the host
http://tv.view.astil-industries.com There is also a App for windows you can use to access Astil TV. We Provide TV Shows, Anime, Movies, And More. We try to keep costs down for us and the user so we only put on the content that you people want to be on Astil TV so everyone can enjoy it. What kind of media do we provide on our TV service; we provide and allow to be requested and added Movies, TV Shows, Anime Movies, Anime Series. Compatability, we try to keep compatability with all devices to a high standard we try our best to bring Astil TV to browsers, Consoles, PC's, Kodi, Andriod, IOS, MacOSX and etc.

If you experice any playback issues there isn't a fault on our end it'll be due to your hardware or device doesn't support the encoding codec for that media but this can be solved relatively easily and thats what we have made a guide to solving this issue to give you members the best expericence click on the playback issues button to conitue to the guide.

Supported Platforms Below click on one to download: